Born on a Bayou

 Good Morning girls, I hope you are doing well. This story when I found the picture I was so anxious to write the story with it. I based this one down road in Louisiana and I think it will be a fun story connecting with the origins of the area with the protagonist. Like I always ask please share your thoughts on the story, positive or negative. It all truly helps me to write higher calibre stories for you all. Thank you all for supporting me, seriously without the likes the views and all lately I would probably have given up, but seeing the enjoyment it brings you keeps me motivated to keep writing. One last thing I want to mention, just because I know for some consistent membership on Patreon may be challenging I have introduced a tip jar with Ko-fi. Again please feel no obligation to give, but if you feel so inclined it would be much appreciated sisters! Thank you again and have a lovely day! Talk tomorrow!

-xoxo Haylee

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